Our Team
Maynard Hoff, Elton Hoff, and Carl Hoff
Bob Winter, Jerry Bates, and Dale Hoff
Dale Hoff
Sunday School Superintendent
Bonnita Paxton
Nursery Coordinator
Katie Bates
Sunday School Teacher, Early Primary
Lori Bates
Sunday School Teacher, Middle Primary
Angie Hoff
Sunday School Teacher, Upper Primary
Bob Winter
Sunday School Teacher, Teens
Dale and Angie Hoff
Youth Group Leaders
Carl Hoff
Sunday School Teacher, Adults
Pastor Chris Baker
College and Career Age Sunday School Teacher
Ladies Bible Study Leader and Woman’s Jail Ministry - Barron County
Jim Paxton, Bob Winter, and Jeff Workman
Men’s Jail Ministry - Barron County
Pastor Chris and Julie Baker, Eryn Bates, Kaitlyn Feather, Amanda and Shelia Stevens, Christy Markley
Kids 4 Truth
Caleb Hoff
Head Usher